Happy Pride Month, Y'all!
Gaia Massage is PROUD to be a safe space for ALL women and birthing people in Louisville. We celebrate ALL types of families and believe that everybody deserves massage therapy.
In this month's updates, read about Gaia Massage's updated and easier scheduling, a fun event (& giveaway!), and kick off Self Care Summer with a promo code and some community building, and of course, a special provider spotlight!
Online Scheduling Update
Scheduling your session has never been easier!
Gaia Massage's website has been updated to include a new and improved online scheduler! This will make scheduling and managing your appointments more streamlined.
June Referral Partner Spotlight
Bonnie H. Logsdon, RD, LD, IBCLC, CLE
of Bonnie Knows Breast
Bonnie Logsdon (she/her) is a Registered Dietitian (RD), International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Certified Lactation Educator™ (CLE©) through CAPPA and a DONA trained birth doula with over eighteen years of experience in practice.
Why I recommend Bonnie Knows Breast: I refer clients to lactation consultants usually during Postpartum Massage sessions. Postpartum massage focuses on healing from pregnancy, labor, and birth, but also focuses on relieving tension caused by the repetitive motions, and static holding involved in learning new skills and taking care of an infant. It is common to have upper back and neck pain when chest/breastfeeding, but it's important to take care of yourself. I notice a difference in upper body tension and pain in my clients who seek care from Lactation Consultants!
I refer clients to Bonnie Knows Breast because Bonnie is an expert in her field, and because her support services are diverse, including (but not limited to) prenatal consults, chest/breastfeeding consults, and nutrition consults. Bonnie is also building community through her Afterglow New Parent and Partner support groups, which have meetings weekly and monthly, respectively.
Her support, language, and services are also all deliberately inclusive. She is even a member of OutCare, which means that Bonnie Knows Breast is committed to prioritizing a standard of care that is inclusive, compassionate, and affirming for families of all structures and identities.
Self Care Summer!
Gaia Massage has some fun planned for this summer, and we're calling it "Self Care Summer!" Prioritize your self care this summer, it will make all the other fun things you're doing even more enjoyable if you're taking care of yourself!
Kicking off Self Care Summer, all packages of 4 sessions are $40 off and all packages of 6 sessions are $60 off! (This is the best price per session ALL YEAR!)
Use code SUMMER23 at checkout at GaiaMassageLLC.com.
Buy your packages before June 31 to snag this price!

Self Care Summer Bingo continues the fun!
Download your Bingo card by clicking the image of the card.
-You can take a screenshot and then use stickers in your Instagram stories to track your progress...
- or feel free to print this out and use stickers, markers to check boxes, or an actual Bingo dauber, if you've got one laying around!

Download your Bingo card, and choose whether to print or participate digitally.
- Track your progress with your preferred method. (Gaia Massage logo is a free space.)
- Share your completed Bingo card on Instagram to be entered to win a special prize!
- Share a photo of your completed card AND:
-use the hashtag #selfcaresummer
-tag and follow @GaiaMassageLouisville
Completed cards will count as one entry towards a GIVEAWAY of a free focus session! Winner will be drawn on July 31.
Upcoming Events
Gaia Massage is partnering with Beauty Boost Louisville and the Somebody Society to be a vendor at their upcoming Hippie Dippie Summer Social!
This is going to be such a fun event! It will be a great way to meet new friends and support some local women owned businesses, too! I'll be doing a giveaway and I'll have goody bags for everyone who visits my booth! Don't miss the fun!

Hi, I'm Samantha, owner and Licensed Massage Therapist at Gaia Massage, LLC.
I'm here to empower women and pregnant people to help them feel better through massage therapy techniques specialized for pregnancy, and through sharing knowledge, tips, & tricks for self care!
Want to schedule massage? Click the link below to schedule online, or contact me directly to request an in-home session!
Thank you for taking the time to read June's updates!
Want to stay up to date with self care tips and tricks, discounts, & events? Follow me on Instagram!
*Images used in section June Referral Partner Spotlight: Bonnie Knows Breast are copied from, linked to, and used with express permission from Bonnie Logsdon, RD, LD, IBCLC, CLE, owner, Bonnie Knows Breast. BonnieKnowsBreast.com